Due to spam mail a women overnight become a mistress of crores

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Due to spam mail a women overnight become a mistress of crores

We usually ignore spam or junk mail. Junk mail also avoids going to the folder, but sometimes junk mail can turn someone's luck.

Junk mail made a woman a millionaire.

If you use Gmail or any other mail service, then you will be familiar with Spam Mail or Junk Mail. Most of the mails falling in this category are virus, promotional or fraud. In such a situation, people do not even like to go to this section, far from reading the mail of this category, but sometimes spam mail can also make you a millionaire. You must be surprised to hear this, but it is true. Something similar has happened to a woman living in America and she has become a millionaire due to spam mail. Let us know what is the whole matter.

she was looking for some important mail

Due to spam mail a women overnight become a mistress of crores

According to the report, 55-year-old Laura Spears, who lives in America, bought a ticket for the 'Michigan Lottery' a few days ago. She forgot to buy the ticket. Recently, she was searching for an important email in her mail box. If that mail was not found in the inbox, he decided to go to the Spam folder and find it. While searching for that mail, he came across a spam/junk mail. He could not believe what was written in this mail. She was stunned for a while.

Didn't trust before, saw the number together

Actually, it was written in that mail that Laura Spears has won the lottery of $ 3 million i.e. about Rs 22.41 crore. Spears told the local media that, 'At first I could not believe it after seeing the mail. Because it was junk/spam mail. After this I took out my lottery ticket and matched it with the number given in the mail. During this both the numbers turned out to be the same. After matching the numbers, I was convinced that I have really won the Mega Million Lottery prize. She says that now I will look carefully at every spam mail from now on. After winning the prize, now She is also thinking of taking retirement from her job.

be careful from spam mail

Due to spam mail a women overnight become a mistress of crores

The only thing to say from this is that friends, sometimes if you guys also take any lottery ticket and use your email id there, then sometimes also see the grave spam message. Because with such mail, Google Security thinks that it is a spam and they put this mail in the category of spam and rust mail, not that it happens every time, even if you want to see a lottery ticket, still Reply only after doing a complete investigation, otherwise the money will go from your account instead of coming.

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