Automatic senser bell installed on temple in india

Automatic senser bell installed on temple in india : Hey guys welcome to our blog Tech gadgets in this blog we are sharing best tech gadgets & news regarding information.

Automatic senser bell installed on temple in india

As you know, the time of corona is not over yet, nowadays more and more because a new form of corona has been found, which is more dangerous than the first one, you can become a victim of corona in a little mistake. For this reason, those who know the value of life, they take full care that there should not be a slight mistake.

People are afraid to go out because of Corona. Even hesitant to go to the temple of the God house.

By the way, at the places of worship of all religions, full care is taken that the devotees should not touch anything in any temple.

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But there is one such thing in the temple on which people err even after avoiding other things.

That is the temple bell, which every devotee goes to the temple and rings with his hands at least once.

And here also to risk of corona increases. Because we don't know how many people would have bell it with their own hands.

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In view of this problem and understanding the problem of corona pandemic, this problem has also been solved with the help of modern technology in many temples of India.

Their technology has been used where you can ring the bell without touching your hand. Isn't it a surprising thing, on which no one will believe.

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The temple committee here has used a sensor on the bell, where you just have to bring your hand near the bell, then the sensor starts ringing the bell after sensing the presence of your hand. As long as your hand is in front of that sensor, the bell will ring.

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Really, the temple committee has used the right technology in the temple bells keeping in view the corona situation and people's faith in God.

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