how to find requested accounts on instagram

Nowadays everyone uses Instagram and follows others. Those you follow will  be shown on the profile following list. But those private accounts and you had to request for the following but they will not accept your request so How to find that requested accounts on instagram.

When you want to see sent requested accounts on Instagram  then this blog is for you.

 So if you want this account name those you requested for following but they did not accept  your request. For this you don't have to use any other applications or sites.  To find that name This is possible  on instagram.

In this blog we teach you step by step :-

Step 1 :- Firstfall open your Instagram.

Step 2 :- click on the 3 dot top of the right hand side of your profile. 

Step 3 :- then click on the settings options.

Step 4 :- click on the security options.

Step 5 :- click on the access data options.

Step 6 :- scroll up and in connection features click on the current follow request.

So there you will find every account name that you sent follow request on instagram.

You cannot see these Instagram accounts from here, but if you want to see that account again to see who you have requested for following, just copy the name of that particular account and paste it in the search icon of instagram. So you can see this account and if you want, you can also cancel or re-send the request.

If you are facing other Instagram problems then comment we will surely help you in the next blog.

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